About "Code"
What Words Should You Start With At Wordle?
2022-Mar-21 |
Shit post, Code, and Statistics
Screenr: Automated Workflow For Your Email - Stuff I Built
2020-Jul-7 |
StuffIBuilt, Code, and Productivity
Breaking The Monolith To Lower The Cost Of Development
2020-Mar-27 |
Code, Architecture, Engineering, Microservices, Modernization, Refactoring, and Rearchitecting
Kubernetes Auto-scaling Based On Any Metric (the Custom Way)
2019-Aug-1 |
Kubernetes, Azure, and Code
Azure Garbage Collection (auto-delete Your Unused Resources)
2019-Jun-10 |
Azure, DevOps, and Code
Deployment Pipeline For Logicapps
2019-Jun-7 |
Code, Azure, DevOps, and LogicApps
Blob Storage Authorization Valet
2019-Apr-25 |
Code, Azure, Patterns, and Architecture
Organizing Ephemeral Workloads (demos, Pocs, Experiments, Etc.)
2019-Apr-23 |
Code, Azure, Automation, and Random
Codename Generator
2019-Apr-23 |
Code, Random, and Automation
Valet Key Pattern
2019-Mar-29 |
Azure, Code, and Patterns
When Not To Use Microservices
2018-Nov-14 |
Code, Architecture, Engineering, Microservices, Modernization, Refactoring, and Rearchitecting
Api Management Bits
2018-May-18 |
Code, API Management, and Azure
Authentication Proxy - A Pattern To Add Authentication To Key-based Secured Resources
2018-May-14 |
Architecture, Code, Authentication and authorization, Security, Azure, and Cloud
Aad Authentication/authorization In A Multitier App Service
2018-May-9 |
Azure, Code, Architecture, Authentication and authorization, Security, and App Services
Run Azure Batch From Azure Data Factory V2
2018-Apr-13 |
Azure and Code
Setup Jwt Validation On Api Management With An Existing Oauth Scheme
2017-Oct-2 |
Code and Azure
Sqrt In Go
2017-Sep-19 |
Code and Memo
Reasons To Not Use Truthiness In Javascript
2017-Sep-8 |
Ntt.js - Fs Based Persistence Framework
2017-Jun-29 |
Code, Azure, and AWS
Get A Refresh Token For Integration Tests Using Azure Active Directory Authentication
2017-Jun-19 |
Code, Azure, Security, and Webapps
Fixing Error Cs2012 On Visual Studio For Mac
2017-May-16 |
Code and .Net
Git Add --patch And Code Reviews
2017-May-15 |
Code, Git, and Source control
Http Errors And Body Mapping For Lambda
2017-Apr-28 |
AWS, Code, and Lambda
Azure Active Directory Authentication And Authorization For Webapps
2017-Apr-3 |
Azure, Code, and Security
Automatic Retry On An Azure Function Plugged To A Storage Queue Using Visibility
2017-Mar-15 |
Code, Azure, Azure functions, and Design patterns
Pid Controller - How Machines Steer
2017-Mar-12 |
Code, Physics, and KSP
Connecting Two Clouds - Accessing Private Resources In Aws From Azure Through A Lambda Proxy
2017-Mar-10 |
Code, AWS, and Azure
Deploy To Azure App Services With Codeship
2017-Mar-9 |
Code, Azure, Devops, and CI
Add Ssl To Azure Webapps With Letsencrypt
2017-Mar-6 |
Azure, Code, and Security
Get An Azure Bot To Harass Your Team On Slack In Minutes
2017-Mar-1 |
Code, Azure, Bot, and Slack
Get Slackbot To Snitch On Employee Updates
2017-Feb-25 |
Code, Coffee script, Functional programming, Node.js, and Slack
Method Factory
2015-Jul-18 |
Code and Design patterns
Using Ternary As Match With
2015-Apr-24 |