About "DevOps"
Using Docker Multi-stage Builds To Build And Test Applications
2019-Sep-17 |
Containers, Build, and DevOps
Using Azure Devops For Continuous Integration And Delivery Using Atomic Change Flow
2019-Jun-19 |
DevOps, Process, Source control, and CI
Azure Garbage Collection (auto-delete Your Unused Resources)
2019-Jun-10 |
Azure, DevOps, and Code
Deployment Pipeline For Logicapps
2019-Jun-7 |
Code, Azure, DevOps, and LogicApps
Static Website On Kubernetes With An Azure Devops Pipeline - Container Basics
2019-Jan-25 |
Jekyll, Kubernetes, Docker, AKS, DevOps, and Modernization
Deploying On Fridays
2017-Aug-28 |
CI, DevOps, Smells, and Process